Saturday, November 26, 2011

CG Ladies' Rap Session: "Exposing the Music Industry" and Photos from the Session!

"Exposing the Music Industry," a provocative, interesting, eye opening sharing... three of our Huber Brothers (Charles Dockins, Ernest Thompson and Jabbar Ferguson) shared with CG's young adult ladies about some of the disturbing things going on in the industry.  They shared this presentation with CG's young adult men last month!

The Brothers were well prepared, not only sharing facts, photos, pictures, lyrics and handouts, but also sharing first hand accounts, industry insider information and audio of industry persons, speaking out about the practices and rituals that go on behind the scenes.  Many may think a song is just a song, but it goes way deeper!  Be careful who you listen to and support!

Questions asked: Does music effect us? If so, how?  Are people who say the music industry has a subliminal message overreacting?  Should people enjoy artist only for their messages and for the art of their music?  What do you think about rappers who have claimed to have sold their souls to the devil to become famous?  What would you think if you knew individuals have to have homosexual encounters to get into the music industry?  How do you feel about artist who use and wear demonic symbols in their videos, on album covers and in concerts?  How do you feel about artist who mock or talk against Jesus in their lyrics?

Thanks to our brothers for their diligence, preparation and willingness to expose what is going on in the industry!  SEE PHOTOS BELOW FROM THE SHARING...

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